Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Saturday the Uniform Civil Code has “already been implemented” in the state. In a freewheeling interview with News18, Adityanath was asked if and when the Uniform Civil Code be implemented in Uttar Pradesh.
Yogi Adityanath replied, “Seeing how UP operates, do you still doubt the existence of Uniform Civil Code?” When asked if it has already been implemented in Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath said, “Yes, it has already been implemented.”
What is UCC?
Uniform Civil Code is a proposal in India that is aimed at replacing personal laws based on religions, customs, and traditions with one common law for everyone irrespective of religion, cast, creed, sexual orientation, and gender.
Has any state implemented UCC?
No state has officially implemented the UCC. However, the Goa Civil Code is in force since Portuguese times and is considered a Uniform Civil Code.
On Monday (January 27), Uttarakhand will become the first state to implement the UCC and set a model for other states to follow. Several BJP-ruled states, including Assam, have already expressed their desire to adopt Uttarakhand’s UCC as a model.
The Uniform Civil Code Act of Uttarakhand will govern and regulate the laws relating to marriage and divorce, succession, live-in relationships and related matters. It sets equal marriageable age for men and women, grounds of divorce and procedures across all religions, and bans polygamy and ‘halala’.
“The UCC makes registration of all marriages and live-in relationships mandatory. Facilities have been created to help people register their marriages online so that they do not have to run around government offices for it, Doon University Vice Chancellor Surekha Dangwal told news agency PTI.