Ayodhya is immersed in the colour of spirtualism and joy to mark a year of Ram Lalla’s Pran Pratistha ceremony held on January 22 last year. The ocassion was celebrated by Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra as ‘Pratishtha Dwadashi” on January 11, based on Hindu calendar.
Devotees throng Ram Mandir as Ram Lalla’s ‘Pran Pratishtha’ completes 1 year
To celebrate the completion of one year of Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha, large umber of devotees arrived at the Ayodhya temple on Wednesday.
Visuals shared by news agency ANI, showed devotees heading towards Ram Temple and chantin “Jai Shri Ram”. One of the devotees told ANI that he had planned in advance to seek blessings of Lord Ram Lalla on January 22 and had also planned his visit to ongoing Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj.
It is worth noting, that Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra marked the aniversary celebration of Pran Pratishtha with Pratishtha Dwadashi Mahotsav, which was held from January 11 to 13.
Yajna Mandap
To mark Pratishtha Dwadashi on January 11, priests at Ram Mandir performed Agnihotra at Yajna Mandap, which is inside temple’s premises. The ceremony also included six lakh recitation of the Shri Ram Mantra and recitations of Ram Raksha Stotra, Hanuman Chalisa.
Raga Seva and Badhai Gaan
In another program, cultural and spiritual songs were performed on the ocassion. Shri Ram Rag Seva included singing of bhajans, ragas, and kirtans in Lord Ram‘s praise.
The event also included recitation of Shri Ram Stuti Shlok, which is a verse from the work Vinaya Patrika by Goswami Tulsidas. Other program at Ayodhya Ram Temple on the ocassion included musical recitation of the Ramcharitmanas.
Ram Katha and Cultural programs
Ram Katha and discourses on Ramcharitmanas were also held on the day. Cultural programs including dance and song performances were also held on the day. Shri Ram Prasad was distributed among devotees throughout the day. The Pratishtha Dwadashi Mahotsav began on January 11 and concluded on January 13 .