A stampede occurred during the Mahakumbh Mela 2025 on the sacred banks of the Sangam Ghat in Prayagraj in the early hours of Wednesday. An estimated 10 crore pilgrims were expected to attend the Amrit Snan on Mauni Amavasya this year, drawn by the celestial importance of the “Triveni Yog.” However, the stampede resulted in at least 15 deaths and several injuries, as per various media reports. Rescue operations are underway, and those injured in the melee have been taken to Central Hospital.
Mahakumbh Mela 2025: Stampede location
A stampede occurred at the Sangam Ghat in Prayagraj. Hindus consider the Triveni Sangam, where the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers converge, the holiest site. They believe bathing in its waters during the Maha Kumbh, especially on auspicious days like Mauni Amavasya, washes away sins and offers “moksha” or salvation.
Mahakumbh Mela 2025: Estimated number of people at Prayagraj on Mauni Amavasya
The Amrit Snan on Mauni Amavasya is the most significant ritual of the Maha Kumbh and was expected to draw around 10 crore pilgrims. This year, a rare celestial alignment called ‘Triveni Yog’ is occurring after 144 years, amplifying the spiritual significance of the day.
Mahakumbh Stampede: When it happened
The stampede occurred around 2 am on Wednesday, amid a sea of packed crowds converging at the Sangam and all other ghats created along a 12-km-long range of river banks for the Maha Kumbh. The stampede occurred as a massive crowd of pilgrims surged towards the sacred confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. Those sleeping on the riverbank were trampled upon, and a barrier designed to control the flow of people collapsed, according to reports quoting government officials.
Stampede at Mahakumbh Mela 2025: Number of casualties
A doctor at the festival confirmed the casualties to news agency AFP, stating, “At least 15 people have died for now. Others are being treated.”
What should pilgrims looking to go to the Maha Kumbh know
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has urged devotees to:
- Take a dip at the ghats near Maa Ganga and avoid heading towards the Sangam Nose.
- Utilise the many bathing ghats that have been set up for this purpose.
- Follow the administration’s instructions, cooperate with the arrangements, and ignore rumours.
To ensure a hassle-free visit to the Maha Kumbh 2025:
- Obtain a valid passport and visa if you are an international visitor.
- Inquire about any necessary permits for access to pilgrim camps or specific festival zones.
- Consult a healthcare professional to discuss recommended vaccinations, including hepatitis A and B, tetanus, and influenza. Pack a comprehensive first-aid kit containing antiseptics, medications, and others.
In 2013, a devastating crowd rush at a railway platform during the Kumbh Mela claimed 42 lives and injured 45 others. This year, the Uttar Pradesh government, led by Yogi Adityanath, has anticipated 40 crore attendees during the six-week festival, drawing people from across India. The government has implemented advanced technology to manage the massive influx to ensure safety of pilgrims the event.