Actor Swara Bhaskar voiced her frustration over the suspension of her X account. The account of Mimamsa (2022) actress was permanently suspended citing violations of copyright law. According to the actor, two images from two tweets were marked as ‘copyright infringements’ which included a Republic Day wish.
“(You can’t make this stuff up!!!!)….Two images from two tweets have been marked as ‘copyright infringements’. Basis which my X account is locked / disabled, I can’t access it and permanent suspension has been approved by your teams,” the actress’ post states.
Describing the concerned images, Swara Bhaskar said that one had an orange background with “Gandhi Hum Sharmindaa hain, Tere qaatil zindagi hain” text in Hindi Devnaagri script. Justifying her claims, the 36-year-old actress said it is a “popular slogan of the progressive movement in India. There is no copyright violation. It is akin to urban modern folk idiom.”
The other image which does not have anything objectionable according to Swara Bhaskar is a picture of her child. The child’s face is allegedly concealed as she waves an Indian flag and with the writing ‘HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY India’.
Copyright infringement?
Accompanying the post were screenshots of the notices she received from X, and questioned the concerned authorities, “How can this possibly be a copyright infringement ???? Who has a copyright on my child’s likeness???”
‘Aimed to harass’
Urging the social media platform to review and reverse their decision she stated, “Both of these complaints are ridiculous and untenable by any rational, logical and objective understanding of any legal definition of copyright.” She argued that these allegations are baseless and her tweets were reported to harass her and suppress her freedom of expression and speech.
“If these tweets have been mass reported they are aimed to harass the user I.e. myself and are aimed at suppressing my freedom of speech and expression,” the post adds.