Saif Ali Khan, who was stabbed multiple times in the early hours of Thursday, Januaray 16, is currently hospitalised at the Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai. Although the Bollywood actor is ‘out of danger,’ he is yet to be discharged. Amid this, Kareena Kapoor recently slammed a paparazzi video for filming her, and Saif’s house.
The Bollywood actress reshared the video on her Instagram, asking the paparazzi to leave Saif Ali Khan and his family alone, as per a report by Hindustan Times. Although the actress later deleted the story, she was reportedly very upset with the video.
Why did Kareena Kapoor get angry
In the video, some individuals were seen carrying large toy cars, purportedly for Jeh and Taimur, into Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra house. Kareena immediately slammed the paparazzi for the intrusion.
“Stop this now. Have a heart. Leave us alone, for God’s sake,” Kareena Kapoor wrote in all caps, along with the video, reported Hindustan Times.
Earlier, Kareena Kapoor had requested privacy regarding the attack on Saif Ali Khan. She stated on Instagram: “It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process the events that have unfolded. As we navigate this difficult time, I respectfully and humbly request that the media and paparazzi refrain from relentless speculation and coverage.”
Attack on Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan was to be discharged from the Lilavati Hospitals on Monday, January 20, but that has been delayed further. Speaking to ANI, Dr. Nitin Dange mentioned that Saif will be kept under observation for another day.
The Bollywood actor sustained six injuries, including one near the spine, for which he had to undergo an emergency surgery.
Police investigating the matter recorded a statement of Kareena Kapoor. She reportedly told police that the intruder was “aggressive”.